pics google-ed
i nak share resepi Sheperd's Pie..Was requested by cousin Kak In . Last week dorang datang sini and i cooked spaghetti n sheperd's pie.It was my second time buat pie ni and they said sedap. I pon rasa sedap jugak hehe
Kak in..ini resepi nye..try it okayh azmel soka kan :)
1 bunjut mince beef (i use brand ramli beger)
1 biji bawang besar kuning (diced)
1 biji carrot (diced)
1 tin button mushroom (sliced) nak guna fresh mushroom oso can
2 tbsp tepung gandum
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp chicken stock
pinch of thyme (basil,oregano n rosemary)
6-8 biji kentang (buat mash potato)
salt and pepper
Cheese (i use mozarella cheese)
1. Tumis bawang,carrots n mushrooms until naik bau. Then masukkan mince beef tadi. Masak for 5 mins or sampai beef tadi masak.
2. Tabur tepung gandum and simmer for 2 mins.
3. Then campur tomato paste and chicken stock, simmer again for 15 mins.
4. Add salt, pepper n thyme. Kacau sebati.
5. Transfer to bekas yang nak bake and let it cool first.
6. Bila dah cool, letak mash potato on top and tabur cheese kat atas.
7. Bake at 200degree for 20 mins or when cheese bubbling or golden.
8. Let it cool and ready to be serve..Yummy!!
Owh picture itu terpaksa di google becoz masa i masak tu i tak sempat nak amek gambar and tak terfikir pon nak amek.. tapi since cousin dah request nak recipe i cari la pics ni and dun be suprised coz memang sebijik-sebijun pon macam i punye hik hik..but i promise after this kalo i buat pie ni i akan amek gambar n show it in my blogs..nanti kata i bohong sunat plak kan :p
But...i ada gambar ni.....
Gambar dorang tengah makan spaghetti n sheperd's pie :D
p/s :Okay tak kak in??kalo tak faham gak masa nak masak call me n i guide u hehehhe :D
hmm sodap nampak but cam susah je hehe (malas la tu:))
eh tak susah sgt..maybe i nye cara penyampaian nmpk mcm susah ek?
babe...nampak sedap..nanti nak try jugak lah..husband i suka shepherd pie ni :)
sedap2! jelesnye tak pat pegi..wuhuuu
waaah, nampak sedap!! nanti nak cubalah!! thanks for the recipe
wah.. sedapnyer.. kene try one day... hehe tapi buat masa ni taknak bagitau zul dulu... nanti time2 ni gak dia mintak.. hehe tunggu anas ada time baru nak try... hehe
wow nampak sedap... daging cincang pun dah ada ni boleh la i try...
ala u lagi master dari i babe..malu sungguh i kih3
takpo next time k.wan buat sepesel utk da :)
cuba yer nti :)
ehehe..try ek konfom zul soh anas masak ari ari kah kah kah :D
nti lady buat yeh..tak sdp jgn marah hihihi
x pandai la..sbb has x berbakat cooking ni ;)
oits!!.. sedap nih.. belum masak pun dah tau sedap.. ngeh2x.. kalo lana buat sure mkn sorang2 jerlah.. hubby tak suke mkn makanan barat nih.. dia tekak melayu.. hihi
i pon tak pandai sgt..ikut resepi je :)
Hehehe..hubby i pon kureng sket tp sekali sekala i paksa gak dia mamam western2 ni kih3
nak tanya...mcm mana nak buat mash potato tu?-liana
boil potato sampai lembut,lenyek2 kan then campur ngan butter,pepper n garam sikit.gaul n rasa k..ikut selera masing2 mash potato ni.ada yang tambah freshmilk sikit nak bagi lemak.. :)tp i buat macam tu je.
wah!!hot chef gitu.
not really hot babe...biasa2 jer :)
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